MSK Masterclass Series:
The Lower Limb - Sydney
Kerry Packer Education Center
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Missenden Road, Camperdown, NSW
Saturday 8th November 2025
The MSK Masterclass Series
A single day event bringing together local and national experts to share their sonographic knowledge. The topic for this years Sydney event is the Lower Limb, where presenters will provide a clinically guided rationale to the sonographic imaging and assessment of lower limb, tendons, joints and nerves.
The combination of lectures and didactic live scanning workshops will guide delegates on where and how to look, what to find and how to make the correct diagnosis.
Whether a beginner or advanced ultrasound clinician, you will develop new knowledge and skills to enhance your clinical practice.
The conference program is targeted to Radiologists, Sonographers and Sports Medicine doctors with an interest in MSK ultrasound imaging. Other professionals welcome to attend include radiographers, pain and rehabilitation physicians, physiotherapists and other medical professionals with an interest in musculoskeletal imaging, anatomy and pathology.
Structured lecture content combined with didactic live scanning sessions, detailing common pathologies, clinical presentations and sonographic assessment techniques.
We will be recording both the lecture and scanning sessions live!
Missed part of a session? Want to recap what you learnt? Want to practice a technique at your own pace? It's there for you, in full high-definition, on your personal device.
Access for 60-Days included.
RANZCR and ASAR CPD points are available for attendance of this conference with 6.5 hours of conference content equating to 6.5 CPD points.
The registration fee for this Lower Limb MSK Masterclass is $325 including morning tea and lunch.
Additionally you will receive access to recordings of the lectures and scanning sessions for 60-Days
"Exceptionally well organised well-presented educational event with a huge emphasis on practical skills."
"Fantastic conference, jam-packed with clinical pearls and take-home skills"
"I would highly recommend events held by MSK Australia. The manner in which the content is presented would suit both ends of the spectrum from the novice to the advanced Sonographer. I will be definitely looking forward to upcoming events"
Get your ticket today!
Saturday 8th November 2025
09:00-09:10: GE Welcome
09:10-09:30: Groin Pain in Athletes
09:30-09:50: Hip Joint and Periarticular Structures
09:50-10:15: Groin and Anterior Hip Live Scanning
10:15-10:30: Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome
10:30-10:35: LACN Assessment and Intervention
10:35-11:00: Lateral Hip and LACN Live Scanning
11:00-11:20: Morning Tea
11:20-11:50: Hamstring Complex
11:50-12:35: Buttock and Hamstirng Live Scanning
12:35-13:20: Knee Live Scanning with Case Study Presentations
13:20-14:00: Lunch
14:00-14:25: Plantar Metatarsalgia Assessment
14:25-14:45: Forefoot Live Scanning
14:45-15:10: Inversion Injuries and Midfoot Assessment
15:10-15:30: Acquired Pes Planus
15:30-16:30: Ankle and Midfoot Live Scanning and Q&A

Kerry Packer Education Center
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Missenden Road, Camperdown, NSW